Friday, 31 December 2010

31st December - Rest day - ill

Still a bit under the weather so day off

Thursday, 30 December 2010

30th December - Bike

50:00 easy, wanted to do 75:00 but was coughing to much and felt a bit under weather.
Ended up with average 15.3mph and 12.7 miles

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

29th December - Weights

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 15 reps (60 secs rest), last few require focus, moderate intensity

Leg Press - 50kg
Lat Pulldowns - 45kg
Knee Extension - 32.5kg
Hamstring Curl - 32.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 18.75kg
Calf Raise - 35kg
Seated Row - 40kg
Triceps Extension - 21.25kg
Pec Fly - 35kg
Chest Press - 22.5kg
Shoulder Press - 22.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 55kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 55kg

5 min w/dwn on x trainer

Still feel a bit under the weather, more coughing than anything and sore throat

Monday, 20 December 2010

20th December - ill

Was menat to start Base 1 period but feel under the weather so decided to take rest days until feel better to try and shake it off.

Everyone in office has had it so inevatible that i would probably get it, do not think it is down to overtraining or any other reason

Sunday, 19 December 2010

19th December - Bike (T)

90:00 easy recovery ride on turbo, was meant to do 120:00 but not feeling to good, lots of flu going round office so have that, will rest for few days, also try and think of casues of illness

Saturday, 18 December 2010

18th December - Run

Run round bradgate park with LTC.
10.4 miles
average pace = 8:19/miles

was a really enjoyable run, was a lot better with new shoes, endurance definitely improving, had no gels

Friday, 17 December 2010

17th December - Rest Day

This is a recovery week so just ticking over really

Thursday, 16 December 2010

16th December - Run & Weights

30:00 easy run on treadmill then weights session as follows:

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 15 reps (60 secs rest), last few require focus, moderate intensity

Leg Press - 50kg
Lat Pulldowns - 45kg
Knee Extension - 32.5kg
Hamstring Curl - 32.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 18.75kg
Calf Raise - 35kg
Seated Row - 40kg
Triceps Extension - 21.25kg
Pec Fly - 35kg
Chest Press - 22.5kg
Shoulder Press - 22.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 55kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 55kg
Press ups (3 sest of 10)
Lunges (3 sest of 12)
Deadlift - (3 sets of 10) - 16 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Felt ok, finished every set

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

15th December - Bike (T)

45:00 nice and easy spin, HR in 120's, cadnec ein 80s, get legs moving again.
Legs feeling better now

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Monday, 13 December 2010

13th December - Swim

30:00 recovery swim.
nice and easy just to get legs stretched out.
Bit of free, breaststroke and back,, no effort

Sunday, 12 December 2010

12th December - Half marathon

Keyworth turkey trot half marathon
was an enjoyable race, came 92nd out of 750, couple of tough patches in race but was ok considering missed half a year with injury and long bike yesterday. had four sis gels, could of done with one more as had one just before.
slower than last year but did long bike before so ok

Saturday, 11 December 2010

11th December - Bike

Finally could get outside on bike.
51.5 miles
3:08:00 including w/up and w/down
average speed - 16.5 mph, was 16.9 before w/down
average cadence = 78 mph

Went out towards Hallaton, got to big hill just after Hallaton, was a good hilly route, very undulating, enjoyed it a lot.

0-20min - Nil
20-40 - half powerbar
40-60 half powerbar
60-80 Sip of SIS electrolyte in first 10 mins then Powerbar Gel
80-120 Sip of SIS electrolyte in first 10 mins then Powerbar Gel
120-140 Sip of SIS electrolyte in first 10 mins then Powerbar Gel
140-160 Sip of SIS electrolyte in first 10 mins then Powerbar Gel
160-180 Sip of SIS electrolyte

Worked well overall, perhaps needed more water to have with gels and try using two powerbars at start with gel in between

Friday, 10 December 2010

10th December - Bike (T)

LTC Watt bike session

Gentle spin for 15-20 mins then

10 mins with few :30 spin ups

Main Set:
1 x 5:00 at just under threshold, power 267, cadence = 83
5 min easy spin

1:00 at above intensit on level 4
1:00 off
1:00 at above intensity on level 5

Continue until level 10

5:00 easy
1 x 5:00 at just under threshold

10 mins with fe standing efforts

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

8th December - Run (T)

10K run on treadmill as still snowy and icey
steady pace, took 44:29 which was 7:10 pace, felt pretty good.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

7th December (pm) - Bike (T)

Session E8 from book

5:00 with >90rpm
5:00 Alternate :30 standing and :30 seating
6:00 alternate 1:00 80% work on LL the RL

Main Set
3 x 20:00 (10:00 in Z1 then 10:00 in Z3, all with cadence in 80s)


Was a hard session during but felt ok after
Total time = 83:00
Average HR = 142

7th December (am) - Swim

1:00:00 continuous swimming
Nice and easy pace, nothing strenuous
Did 3.2k

Monday, 6 December 2010

6th December - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 15 reps (60 secs rest), last few require focus, moderate intensity

Leg Press - 50kg
Lat Pulldowns - 45kg
Knee Extension - 32.5kg
Hamstring Curl - 32.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 18.75kg
Calf Raise - 35kg
Seated Row - 40kg
Triceps Extension - 21.25kg
Pec Fly - 35kg
Chest Press - 22.5kg
Shoulder Press - 22.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 55kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 55kg
Press ups (3 sest of 10)
Lunges (3 sest of 12)
Deadlift - (3 sets of 10) - 16 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Felt ok, finished every set

Sunday, 5 December 2010

5th December - Bike (T)

Had to go on turbo again as still ice and snow out

Total time = 2:45:00

5:00 Easy >90rpm
5:00 with :30 intervals between 100rpm and 80rm
10:00 easy at 95+ rpm

60:00 in zone 1 with cadence in 80s alternating every 5:00 between :30 spin up and
:30 sprint

30:00 in zone 2 with cadence in 80s alternating every 5:00 between :30 spin up and
:30 sprint

40:00 in top end ox Z1 with cadence in 80s

15:00 easy

Was quite boring and lost a lot of fluid, had SIS bar this time but made my stomach feel heavy and needed to go toilet.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

4th December - X Country Race (Run)

X county af RAF Cramwell

Ran for LTC
Part of North Mid league
Is a very good standard (ex Olympians and some pro triathletes)

Came 89th and 131% of winners time

5.77 miles

was good to get back racing again, only 2nd race of 2010.
Needed to concentrate more in the middle to keep pace up

Friday, 3 December 2010

3rd December (pm) - Bike (T)

Wattbike class with LTC

15 =min easy spinning then 60 min main session as follows:

W/up is 10 mins spinning @ 90rpm, with 1 X 30 sec spin up (120rpm) after 5 mins.

4 X 6 mins @ 80-83rpm - this is slightly below threshold (FTHR = 175), took readings for last 3:

Power HR Cadence
262 161 83
266 164 84
262 165 83

with 4 min spinning rec (90 rpm)
14 min w/down with 3 X 15 sec standing efforts on level 6 on the fan resistance.

Felt good, took a minute or so for HR to gte up but was a good session

3rd December (am) - swim

Force 4 workout from book.

10 x 50m free (:15RI)
300m pull

Main set B
6 x 100m pull with paddles (desc 2-2-2) (:20 RI) 1:38, 1,39, 1:33, 1:34, 1:30, 1:29
400m free 6:47
6 x 50m pull with paddles (desc 2-2-2) (:10 RI) :50, :49, :47, :46, :44, :43
200m free 3:18

200m free inc 50m back

total distance = 2500m

felt good and strong throughout

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

1st December - Run (T)

90:00 on treadmill as to slippy to go outsfide.

Very boring, just did a random workout as easy pace, fel ok.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

30th November (pm) - Bike (T)

F2 from book

5:00 easy with 90 rpm
5:00 wity :30 alterations between 100rpm and 80rpm
5:00 with 95+rpm

Set 1
4 x 3:00 Z2-3
sit in easy gear (1:00 RI)

Set 2
4 x 3:00 Z2-3
Stand in big gear (1:00 RI)

Set 3
4 x 3:00
Sit in big gear (1:00 RI)


Performing each set at 65-70 rpm

Total Time: 67:00

Was quite a hard session, only had SIS electolyte drink but mad eit too strong so felt a bit sick

30th November (am) - Swim

easy aerobic swim following weights yesterday

Endurance 11 form workout book

6 x 75m free (:20 RI)

Main Set B
1 x 400m (:20RI) 7:04
1 x 300m (:20RI) 5:22
1 x 200m (:20RI) 3:35
1 x 100m (:20RI) 1:40
2 x 300m N/S(:30RI) 5:21,5:20

6 x 75m (50m free, 25m back) (:20RI)

Total Distance = 2500m

Felt good, could of went fatser but did not wnat to push it and bring cough on, it was ok at this pace

Monday, 29 November 2010

29th November - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 15 reps (60 secs rest), last few require focus, moderate intensity

Leg Press - 50kg
Lat Pulldowns - 45kg
Knee Extension - 32.5kg
Hamstring Curl - 32.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 16.25kg
Calf Raise - 35kg
Seated Row - 40kg
Triceps Extension - 21.25kg
Pec Fly - 35kg
Chest Press - 22.5kg
Shoulder Press - 22.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 55kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 55kg
Press ups (3 sest of 10)
Lunges (3 sest of 12)
Deadlift - (3 sets of 10) - 16 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Felt ok, finished every set

Sunday, 28 November 2010

28th November - Bike (T)

Could no go out on bike due to snow so had to do turbo

E6 from binder

5:00 easy with >90rpm
5:00 with alternate :30 between 80 rpm and 100rpm
10:00 easy with 95+ rpm

Set 1
60:00 Z1 with every 5th minute alternate between :30 spin and :30 sprint

Set 2
30:00 Z2 with every 5th minute alternate between :30 spin and :30 sprint

25:00 in zone 1 and adenc in 80's


Total time = 2:30:00

Tried to do 150 calories every 20min through powerbars, powerbar gel and SIS electrolyte drink

Stomach felt ok and energy wise was ok

Saturday, 27 November 2010

27th November - Run

Off road run round Bradgate Park with LTC, very hilly and was snowing so struggled on downhills but was enjoyable run

10.71 miles
average = 8:42/mi

Friday, 26 November 2010

26th Novermber (pm) - Bike (T)

Leicester Tri Club Watt bike session

Warm up for 10 mins spinning @ 90-93rpm, low wattage, practice perfect pedalling.
30 sec spin @ 120rpm, low resistance, perfect light pedalling,
2 min rec @ 85rpm,
30 sec spin up as above,
2 min rec as above,
30 sec spin up,
2 min rec as above,
30 sec spin up,
2 min rec as above,

5 min recovery @ 90rpm.

Repeat 1st spin up set,

5 min recovery @ 90rpm,

Repeat 1st spin up set,

10 min w/down, loosen off add some 15sec standing efforts (level 5 on the fan).
Total 60 min session.

Got really bad cramp at the end in calfs, could be bike setup, was a good session though

26th Novermber (am) - Swim

Force 2 workout from binder

300m free
100kick with fins
4 x 50m build (:15RI)
300m pull

Main Set B
1 x 300m pull with paddles (:20RI) 5:17
4 x 50m fast (:15RI) :44,:44,:45,:46
1 x 300m pull with paddles (:20RI) 5:18
2 x 50m fast (:15RI) :42,:46
2 x 300m pull with paddles N/S (:20RI) 5:12, 5:10
2 x 50m fast (:15RI) :42,:47


Total distance = 2600m

Started to cough towards the end again especially on fast intervals, felt good in arms otherwise though

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

24th November - Run

9.58 miles
Average = 7:49/mi

Tried to keep a higher pace as will be doing a longer slower run at weekend

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

23rd November (pm) Bike (T)

1:04 on turbo traner

E1 out of book

w/up - 16:00 (5:00 easy >90rpm, 5:00 with :30 alternate standing/seating, 6:00 with 1:00 80% on RL then LL)

Set 1: 6 x 2:00 with HR in Zone 2 and cadence 70rpm (1:00 RI at 100rpm)

3:00 RI easy pedalling

Set 2: 6 x 3:00 with HR in Zone 2 and cadence 70rpm (1:00 RI at 100rpm)

C/D - 5:00 easy

Felt ok although struggled with maintaining 100rpm still

23rd November (am) - Swim

Workout: Endurance 10

400m free
300 pull
200 kick with fins

Main Set B
300m (:20RI) 5:06
2 x 200m (:15RI) 3:28,3:27
300m 5:19 (:20)
2 x 200m N/S (:15RI) 3:33, 3:31
300m 5:21


Total distance = 2700m

Water was cold and lots of chlorine so was coughing all the time towards the end so could not mantain pace - felt fine otherwise and could of kept going

Monday, 22 November 2010

22nd November - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 15 reps (60 secs rest), last few require focus, moderate intensity

Leg Press - 45kg (could increase)
Lat Pulldowns - 45kg
Knee Extension - 32.5kg
Hamstring Curl - 32.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 16.25kg (could increase)
Calf Raise - 35kg (could increase)
Seated Row - 40kg
Triceps Extension - 21.25kg
Pec Fly - 35kg
Chest Press - 22.5kg
Shoulder Press - 20kg (could increase)
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 55kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 55kg
Press ups (3 sest of 10)
Lunges (3 sest of 12)
Deadlift - (3 sets of 10) - 16 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Sunday, 21 November 2010

22 November - Prep 3

Week 9 of plan
Now start Prep 3

Aims and tactics

Build swim endurance - build long swims
Build run endurance - Build run to 1:40
Stay injury free - yoga and back off if tired, keep freqeuncy of running low

Weights - AA3

21st November - Run

early morning easy run
3.75 miles
average = 8:01

Saturday, 20 November 2010

20th November - Bike

43.8 miles
Average Speed = 16.4 mph
Average HR = 132 bpm
Average cadence = 82rpm

felt strong

Had 3 powerbar gels, 1 powerbar, 1 SIS Energy drink, 1 water
Could of done with more liquid

Friday, 19 November 2010

19th November - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 20 reps (45 secs rest), last few require slight focus, still low to moderate intensity

Leg Press - 37.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 30kg
Knee Extension - 27.5kg
Hamstring Curl -27.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 13.75kg
Calf Raise - 30kg
Seated Row - 30kg
Triceps Extension - 18.75kg
Pec Fly - 30kg
Chest Press - 17.5kg
Shoulder Press - 17.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 45kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 45kg
Press ups (2 sest of 12)
Lunges (2 sest of 16)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 15) - 16 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Thursday, 18 November 2010

18th November - Bike (T)

1:00:00 on turbo

tried to keep hr<144 and cadence in 80's

HR = 137
cadence = 80

was bit later at night than usual

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

17th November - Run

7.39 miles
average = 8:07/mi

Felt good, did not push to hard as recovery week

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

16th November - Swim

Endurance 2 from workout binder

6 x 75m

Main Set B
2 x 200m (:20RI) 3:22, 3:20
1 x 100m MOD (:20RI) 1:31
2 x 200m (:25RI) 3:22, 3:25
1 x 100m MOD (:25RI) 1:34
2 x 300m (:30RI) 5:06, 5:10
1 x 100m MOD 1:37

6 x 75m (50m free, 25m back) (:20RI)

Felt good and strong

Monday, 15 November 2010

15th November - Yoga

Yoga for dummies DVD. All 12 exercises

piriformis lot better now

Sunday, 14 November 2010

14th November - Rest day through injury

After bike last night my piriformis and hamstring tightened badly, stretched piriformis too far in coll down, iced it last night, was a lot better but thought better leave it to recover properly.

Session missed 2 1/2 hrs bike, not a big deal as can do it next week

Saturday, 13 November 2010

13th November (pm) - Bike (T)

47:00 on turbo trainer

Speed Skills 5 from book (Form Sprints)

5:00 at cadence > 80rpm
6:00 each 1:00 between 100rpm and 60rpm
5:00 easy with cadence > 95rpm

6 x :30 at 100+ rpm (zone 2 HR), building leg speed for :15
(4:15 RI)

5:00 easy

13th November (am) - Run

45:00 at a slightly faster pace than longer runs - trying to maintain effort
Average Pace = 7:32/mi
Distance = 5.98 miles

Friday, 12 November 2010

12th November - Swim

Endurance 1 workout from book

2 x 200m [50m free, 100m pull, 50m free] (:20RI)

Main Set A
400, 300, 200, 100 MOD (:20RI)- 6:34, 5:06, 3:25, 1:39
300, 200, 100 N/S (:25RI) - 5:03, 3:22, 1:40
200 Fast 3:16
100 Fast 1:36
4 x 150m pull - 2:38, 2:41, 2:32, 2:34


Total distance = 3200m

Felt good although need to concentrate throughout as kept drifting off and finding my effort drop

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

10th November - Run

11.1 miles
Average pace = 8:07/mi

Had 3 SIS gels and felt goof although last 1.5 miles started to get a bit tougher

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

9th November (pm) Bike (T)

80:00 on turbo trainer, workout from book

5 mins easy with rpm > 95rpm
5 mins alternate :30 rpm = 80 and rpm >100
5 mins easy with rpm>90


Set 1: 30:00 in Zone 1
Every 5 mins alternate between :30 spin up and :30 sprint

Set 2: 30:00 in zone 2
Every 5 mins alternate between :30 spin up and :30 sprint

5 mins easy

Felt good although almost started cramping in later stages, sued normal SIS energy rather than electrlyte, perhaps need to use this as sweat a lot

9th November (am) - Run

45:00 on treadmill, put on random setting with lots of uphill work

Monday, 8 November 2010

8th November - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 20 reps (45 secs rest), last few require slight focus, still low to moderate intensity

Leg Press - 37.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 30kg
Knee Extension - 27.5kg
Hamstring Curl -27.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 13.75kg
Calf Raise - 30kg
Seated Row - 30kg
Triceps Extension - 18.75kg
Pec Fly - 30kg
Chest Press - 17.5kg
Shoulder Press - 17.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 45kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 45kg
Press ups (2 sest of 12)
Lunges (2 sest of 16)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 15) - 12 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Starting to feel stronger, feel like i am making progress

Sunday, 7 November 2010

7th November - Bike (T)

Went out last night so did not start turbo till about 4pm. Did 2:15:00 with no specific targets as just wanted to get time under my belt

Saturday, 6 November 2010

6th Novermber (pm) - Swim

Endrance 10 workout from book

400m free
300 pull
200 k with paddles and float

Main Set A
1 x 400m (:20RI) 6:46
2 x 200m (:15RI) 3:23, 3:24
1 x 400m (:20RI) 6:49
2 x 200m N/S (:15RI) 3:17, 3:18
1 x 400m 6:53

100m free

Total Distance = 3000m

Starting to feel a lot stronger in the pool now, need to keep going with Endurance work so can maintain similar spilts

6th Novermber (am) Run

Average = 7:57/mi

tried to go bit faster than long runs which i did, felt OK at this pace.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Thursday, 4 November 2010

4th November (pm) - Bike (T)

47:00 on turbo trainer

Speed Skills 5 from book (Form Sprints)

5:00 at cadence > 80rpm
6:00 each 1:00 between 100rpm and 60rpm
5:00 easy with cadence > 95rpm

6 x :30 at 100+ rpm (zone 2 HR), building leg speed for :15
(4:15 RI)

5:00 easy

4th November (am) - Swim

Force 4 workout form book

10 x 50m (:15 RI)
300m pull

Main set B
6 x 100m pull with paddles Desc 2-2-2 (20 RI)
6 x 50m pull with paddles Desc 2-2-2 (:10 RI)


Total = 2500m

Felt ok after run yesterday

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

3rd November - Run

9.12 miles
average = 8:13/miles

Had two gels, felt ok although started to slow towards the end but had been work before, should perhaps eat more during the day

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

2nd November (pm) - Bike (T)

1:04 on turbo traner

E1 out of book

w/up - 16:00 (5:00 easy >90rpm, 5:00 with :30 alternate standing/seating, 6:00 with 1:00 80% on RL then LL)

Set 1: 6 x 2:00 with HR in Zone 2 and cadence 70rpm (1:00 RI at 100rpm)

3:00 RI easy pedalling

Set 2: 6 x 3:00 with HR in Zone 2 and cadence 70rpm (1:00 RI at 100rpm)

C/D - 5:00 easy

Felt ok although struggled with maintaining 100rpm still

2nd November (am) - Swim

Endurance 5 workout from book

2 x 200m free
4 x 25m DPS (:15 RI)

Main Set B
2 x 250 moderate (:15 RI) 4:12,4:16
4 x 50m (25m finger scrape, 25m build) (:15 RI)
2 x 200m moderate (:15 RI) 3:22, 3:26
4 x 50m (25m catch up, 25m build) (:15 RI)
2 x 150m @ T Pace, should be 1:40 per 100m (:15RI) 2:23, 2:31
50m K
150m Breast stroke

200m free

Total distance = 2500m

had a gel before which helped although lost energy towards the end

Monday, 1 November 2010

1st November - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 20 reps (45 secs rest), last few require slight focus, still low to moderate intensity

Leg Press - 37.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 30kg
Knee Extension - 27.5kg
Hamstring Curl -27.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 13.75kg
Calf Raise - 30kg
Seated Row - 30kg
Triceps Extension - 18.75kg
Pec Fly - 30kg
Chest Press - 17.5kg
Shoulder Press - 17.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 45kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 45kg
Press ups (2 sest of 12)
Lunges (2 sest of 16)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 15) - 12 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Felt comfortable - nothing too strenuous, still find weights boring

Sunday, 31 October 2010

31st October (pm) - Yoga

1st 6 poses from yoga for dummies DVD
Physio said i should start this to try and keep me injury free
Need to keep at this as some poses were hard to hold due to balance

31st October (am) - Bike

Average HR = 131
Distance = 33.2
Average Speed = 16.6 mph
Average Cadence = 82 rpm
Including warm up and down

Still keeping HR in zone 1 and cadence in 80's as building endurance
Had 1 powerbar and 1 powerbar gel which really helped, shows with the HR as felt like i had plenty left and wanted to up it

Saturday, 30 October 2010

30th October (pm) - Bike

47:00 on turbo trainer

Speed Skills 5 from book (Form Sprints)

5:00 at cadence > 80rpm
6:00 each 1:00 between 100rpm and 60rpm
5:00 easy with cadence > 95rpm

6 x :30 at 100+ rpm (zone 2 HR), building leg speed for :15
(4:15 RI)

5:00 easy

30th October (am) - Run

9.24 Miles
average pace = 8:07/miles

Felt good despite stiff hips

Friday, 29 October 2010

29th October - Swim

Endurance 11 from book

6 x 75m

Main Set A
1 x 500m - 8:13
1 x 400m - 6:54
1 x 300m - 5:07
1 x 200m - 3:22
2 x 300m NS - 5:12, 5:22


6 x 75m - 50m free, 25m back

total = 2.9k

Was a good session, started to die a bit towards the end as shown by last two 300m times

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

27th October - 5 a side football

4 10 min matches five a side with work
Not used to sprinting so much, was pretty tired at the end

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

26th October (pm) - Bike

1:04 on turbo traner

E1 out of book

w/up - 16:00 (5:00 easy >90rpm, 5:00 with :30 alternate standing/seating, 6:00 with 1:00 80% on RL then LL)

Set 1: 6 x 2:00 with HR in Zone 2 and cadence 70rpm (1:00 RI at 100rpm)

3:00 RI easy pedalling

Set 2: 6 x 3:00 with HR in Zone 2 and cadence 70rpm (1:00 RI at 100rpm)

C/D - 5:00 easy

Felt ok although struggled with maintaining 100rpm

26th October (am) - Run

30:00 on treadmill, hills setting.

Just a nice easy recoevry run really, felt comfortable

Did 30:00 core/stability after as well

Monday, 25 October 2010

25th October - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 20 reps (45 secs rest), last few require slight focus, still low to moderate intensity

Leg Press - 37.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 30kg
Knee Extension - 27.5kg
Hamstring Curl -27.5kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 13.75kg
Calf Raise - 30kg
Seated Row - 30kg
Triceps Extension - 18.75kg
Pec Fly - 30kg
Chest Press - 17.5kg
Shoulder Press - 17.5kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 45kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 45kg
Press ups (2 sest of 12)
Lunges (2 sest of 16)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 15) - 12 kg

5 w/down on x trainer

Felt comfortable - nothing too strenuous

25th October 2010 - Prep 2 Period

Prep Period 2 starts today,

Strength sessions are now AA2
No Races Planned although may do some of the cross county

Will concentrate on:

1. Build Bike Endurance - Go Long on bike with Low intensity
2. Build Swim Technique - Weekly Skills Session
3. Improve Felxibility - Start Weekly Yoga Session

Sunday, 24 October 2010

24th October - Run

45:00, felt ok considering hungover slighlty.
Had to keep stopping for traffic lights again
5.48 miles
Average pace = 8.12 min/miles

Saturday, 23 October 2010

23rd October - Bike

28.8 miles
Average HR = 142 bpm
Average Cadence = 84
Average Speed = 16.4 mph

Felt good, could probably start using gels or food now to keep energy levels up

Friday, 22 October 2010

22nd October - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 25 reps (45 secs rest), never strain of fail

Leg Press - 32.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 25kg
Knee Extension - 20kg
Hamstring Curl -20kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 11.25kg
Calf Raise - 20kg
Seated Row - 25kg
Triceps Extension - 16.25kg
Pec Fly - 25kg
Chest Press - 10kg
Shoulder Press - 10kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 35kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 35kg
Press ups (2 sest of 10)
Lunges (2 sest of 10)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 10) - 10 kg, trying to learn form

5 w/down on x trainer

Monday, 18 October 2010

18th October - Run

7.21 miles
Average pace = 8:19/miles

Felt good, kept having to stop due to traffic lights in city centre

Sunday, 17 October 2010

17th October - Bike

1:45 on turbo trainer
had to go on turbo as wanted to watch football match during the day
average HR = 136 bpm
average cadence = 79

included 5 min warm up and ten minute cool down.
Felt ok - no problems with time period just bit bored

Saturday, 16 October 2010

16th October - Run

5.47 miles
Average pace = 8:14/mile

Felt ok, definietly starting to move towards previous fitness level

Friday, 15 October 2010

Thursday, 14 October 2010

14th October (pm) - Bike

45:00 on turbo trainer, as before trying to keep HR less than 144 and cadence in 80's

Average HR = 139bpm
Average Cadence = 80rpm

These included warm up/warm down

Felk ok

14th October (am) - Swim

Endurance 5 workout from book

2 x 200m, 4 x 25m DPS (:15)

Main Set
2 x 250m MOD 4:12, 4:24
4 x 50m (25m Finger scrapes, 25m build)
2 x 200m MOD 3:26, 3:26
4 x 50m (25m Catch up, 25m build)
2 x 150m MOD 2:29, 2:29


Need to find a way of getting more energy in morning sessions, could perhaps try enegry gels/drinks

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

13th October - Run

9.04 miles
Average pace = 8:18/mile

Felt good depsite hamstring strain, physio said no speedwork at the moment and see how it goes

Ullesthorpe - Calybrookes - Frolsworth - Leire - Dunton - Home

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

12th October (pm) - Bike

1:00:00 on turbo trainer
aiming to keep HR below 144 and cadence in 80's

Average HR = 139bpm
Average cadence = 81 bpm
This included warm up and warm down

Felt good, could of carried on longer which was good

12th October (am) -Swim

Endurance 2 session from book

6 x 75m (:20 RI)

Main Set
2 x 200m (:20RI) 3:25, 3:32
1 x 100m moderate (:20RI) 1:38
2 x 200m (:25RI) 3:26, 3:25
1 x 100m moderate (:25RI) 1:37
2 x 300m (:30RI) 5:10, 5:12
1 x 100m moderate 1:35

6 x 75m (50m free, 25m back)

Total distance = 2600m

Felt good and could sustain that pace for the distance as times are close together.

Monday, 11 October 2010

11th October - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 25 reps (45 secs rest), never strain of fail

Leg Press - 32.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 25kg
Knee Extension - 20kg
Hamstring Curl -20kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 11.25kg
Calf Raise - 25kg
Seated Row - 25kg
Triceps Extension - 16.25kg
Pec Fly - 25kg
Chest Press - 10kg
Shoulder Press - 10kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 35kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 35kg
Press ups (2 sest of 10)
Lunges (2 sest of 10)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 10) - 10 kg, trying to learn form

5 w/down on x trainer

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Saturday, 9 October 2010

9th October - Bike

Same route as last week
Average HR = 135bpm
Distance = 24.6 miles
Average Speed = 16.4mph

only ate about half an hour before so struggled a bit to begin with.

Friday, 8 October 2010

8th October (pm) - Swim

Endurance (Form) 3 workout from book

Warm up
150m free
100m kick
50m Finger scrapes
150m free

Main Set
4 x (2 x 25m catch up, 2 x 25m uw recovery, 4 x 25 build)
2 x 600m

Warm down
100m free

Total distance = 2550

Longest swim since Xmas so was good

8th October (am) - Run

30:00 on gym treadmill (Randon workout)

Thursday, 7 October 2010

7th October - Bike

1:00:00 on gym bike as was in a hotel with work

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

6th October - Run

45:00 on treadmill doing hills workout

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

5th October (pm) - Run

7.25 miles
Average = 8:17/miles

Felt good to get a bit more distance done, went of to fast and struggled towards the end though

5th October (am) - Swim

Endurance (form) 2 from book


Main set
6 x 50 (25m RT/LT, 25m build)
1 x 400m - 6:48
2 x 200m - 3:19, 3:26
1 x 450m - 8:07


Was not feeling too great with sore throat
Total Distance = 2050m

4th October - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat

Cat Stretch
Shoudler stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session 2 sets of 25 reps (45 secs rest), never strain of fail

Leg Press - 32.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 25kg
Knee Extension - 20kg
Hamstring Curl -20kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 11.25kg
Calf Raise - 20kg
Seated Row - 25kg
Triceps Extension - 16.25
kgPec Fly - 25kg
Chest Press - 10kg
Shoulder Press - 10kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 35kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 35kg
Press ups (2 sest of 10)
Lunges (2 sest of 10)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 10) - 10 kg, trying to learn form

5 w/down on x trainer

Sunday, 3 October 2010

3rd October - Run

5.38 miles
average pace = 8:28/mile

Felt better than Wednesday even though was very windy.
Need to keep improving slowly to try and get back to where i was before injury

Saturday, 2 October 2010

2nd October - Bike


Lutterworth - Gilmorton - Bruntingthorpe -Countesthorpe - Dunton - Frolsworth - Ullesthorpe - home

As previous sessions, aimed to keep hr< 144 and cadence in 80's

Average HR = 140 bpm
Average cadence = 84 rpm

24.8 miles
16.6 mph

No real hip pain and felt comfortable, still need to work on hills.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

30th September (pm) - Swim

workout from book - E(Form) 5 shortened though
2 x 300m (100 free, 100 kick, 100 finger scrapes/catch up)
100m free

Main set
8 x 50m (Odd - distance per stroke, even - build)
3 x (150,100,50)
1st round RI (:15,:10,:05) - 2:24, 1:38, :48
2nd round RI (:20.:15:,10) - 2:29, 1:43, :48
3rd round (:25,:20,:15) - 2:30, 1:39 :48


Kick was sore on back but need to start doing this to strengthen

Total Distance = 2.2k

30th September (am) - Bike

45:00 on turbo trainer including w/up and w/down
Aiming to keep HR in 130s and cadence at 80rpm

HR= 136bpm
Cadence = 78

Ate taste to close to start, left it a bit longer on Tuesday so struggled with energy at start

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

29th September - Run

Average pace = 8:47

Dunton - Leire - Frolsworth - Ashby Parva

Longest run for 9 months so good to get going again although painfully slow, not really any pain from hip

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

28th September (pm) - Swim

400m w/up

2 x 50m (25 right arm only, 25m build)
2 x 50m (25 left arm only, 25m build)

1 x 400m - 6:53
1 x 150m - 2:40
1 x 200m - 3:33
1 x 400m - 6:59
2 x 100m - 1:42, 1:40
15 secs rest between above sets

100m w/down

Total distance - 2050m

Longest i have swum in a long time, injury felt ok although did not like the drills as put it under too much stress. Need to work on building endurance

Did 15 mins strength/conditioning after as well

28th September (am) - Bike

45:00 easy inclduing w/up and w/down on turbo
tried to keep cadence above 80 with HR in 130s
Average cadence = 80rpm
Average HR = 131

pretty happy although was in a high gear

Monday, 27 September 2010

27th September - Weights

10 w/up on x trainer

Movement prep exercises, 10 reps (5 when single leg) then repeat
Cat Stretch
Hurdler Walk

Main session - 2 sets of 25 reps (45 secs rest), never strain of fail

Leg Press - 32.5kg
Lat Pulldowns - 25kg
Knee Extension - 20kg
Hamstring Curl -25kg
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 11.25kg
Calf Raise - 20kg
Seated Row - 25kg
Triceps Extension - 16.25kg
Pec Fly - 25kg
Chest Press - 15kg
Shoulder Press - 10kg
Hip Abduction (pushing in) - 35kg
Hip Abduction (pushingt out) - 35kg
Press ups (2 sest of 10)
Lunges (2 sest of 10)
Deadlift - (2 sets of 10) - 8 kg, trying to learn form

10 w/down on x trainer

Felt ok, inside of hip was sometimes painful when trying to get on some machines where i had to stretch as well as hurlder walk, keep going though as physio said i have to chase the pain spots.

27th September - Ironman Training Starts

Start training for 2011
Going to do Outlaw

Try to learn to hold back in early stages of training as dont want to gte injured like last time, try and do more core work throughout the year

Sunday, 19 September 2010

19th September - Essendex Last Minute Sprint Tri

400m swim/19.3k bike/5k run

First tri in a year, first race in 9 months - no real expectations but just wnated to finish without too much pain from hip

01:06:14 total, splits as follows

Swim: 7:24
Bike: 34:10
T2: 00:52
Run: 22:36

Swim was ok despite 5 people being in lane who had overestimated how quick they were, could of perhaps gone harder but did not want to irritate hip too early (did not do tumble turns either)

Bike was really good on the flats but was awful on hills

Run was shocking - legs just did not work, so slow.

Was good to get back into it and overall was what i expected. Hip was sore but not limping during or after really.

Will have a week off and then start light winter training

Friday, 17 September 2010

17th September - Swim

Last session for Sprint triathlon on 19th
total was 1000m

5 x 50m warm up
5 x 50 m (25m hard, 25 easy)
few mins rest
5 x 50m (25m hard, 25 easy)
5 x 50m warm down

Hip still sore from Tuesday, not going to do track session for long time as hip cannot take sudden sprints

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

14th September - Run

Track Session

First time in about 9-10 months, wanted to see how hip would react.

Was not too bad but did a bit of cross country around the actual stadium which irritated it.

1200m warm up

2 laps of cross country rounte circa 1200m

3 x 1200m on track meant to be at 10K pace but i just went a bit easier (4:48, 4:41, 5:01)

Hip was sore after so will see how it is tomorrow (may have day off to rest it)
Was never limping while running but definitely knew it was there, will not do this for a few more weeks as don't think quite ready yet for track work.

Monday, 13 September 2010

13the September - Swim

1000m total
4 x 50m warm up
6 x 100m
4 x 50m warm down

doing tumble turns again so hip was a bit sore.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

12th September - Brick

15 mins bike
5 mins run

Did the above three times with 5 mins rest in between
Actually felt quite good. Looking forward to racing next week

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Friday, 10 September 2010

10th September - Swim

1200m continuous
Around twenty minutes

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

8th September - Run

3 miles
27 mins
felt OK although hip slightly sore after first bike ride yesterday

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

7th Sept - Bike

18 miles
average around 16.3 mph including warm up and down

Monday, 6 September 2010

30 August - 6 September Holiday

Managed to do 2 circa 1500m swims in the sea which was quality had was really clear and could see loads of fish and 1 30 min run and 2 40 mins run by the sea which was also really good

Sunday, 29 August 2010

29th August - Run

4.2 miles

felt ok - hip getting better slowly

Saturday, 28 August 2010

28th August - Bike

24 miles
average speed = 16mph

absolutely lashed it down so was like Bradley Wiggins in a wet prologue
other than that felt ok.

Friday, 27 August 2010

27th August - Swim

1400m total
4 x 50m
5 x 200m
4 x 50m

felt ok

Hip get stiff and sore on days off so need to make sure i stretch on days off

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

25th August - Bike

70:00 on turbo trainer - could not get outside as weather was too bad

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

24th August - Run

5.8 miles
starting to feel a bit stronger on run now
Hip still hurting a bit though

Monday, 23 August 2010

23rd August - Swim

1400m continuous

around 25 mins inc warm up and warm down

not to bad for longest continuous swim, slightly sore back after

Sunday, 22 August 2010

22nd August - Brick

61 mins
18 miles
Average = 17.8 mph

2.4 miles
20 mins

Tried to spend as much time on Tri bars - felt good though

Saturday, 21 August 2010

21st August - Run

4.1 miles
35 Min's
felt OK - hip/back definitely getting better

Friday, 20 August 2010

20th August - Swim

1000m total

4 x 50m
1 x 100m
2 x 200m
1 x 100m
4 x 50m

felt ok

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

18th August - Run

36:00 easy
4.1 miles

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

17th August - Bike

45:00 easy
12.75 miles
average = 16.8mph

Monday, 16 August 2010

16th August - Swim

Took a few days off to rest back/hip as did not want to overdo it.

1000m in total

4 x 50m
1x 100m
2 x 200m
1 x 100m
4 x 50m

Hip pretty stiff but not painful

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

11th August - Run

4 miles
35 minutes
felt ok although back/hip need a rest tomorrow

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

10th August - Bike

Moderate intensity on Felt racer
15 Miles including warm up and cool down
Tried to go on Tri bars as much as possible - made back/hip ache though

Frolsworth - Dunton - Willoughby - Peatling Parva -Gilmorton

Monday, 9 August 2010

9th August - Swim

1600m total

4 x 50m
1 x 100m
1 x 200m

Main set 9 x 100m effort going off every two minutes.

4 x 50m

Felt good and was always well within two minutes
hip/back ached a bit but not painful

Sunday, 8 August 2010

8th August - Run

38:00 easy run

Leire - Dunton and back

getting faster although hip quite sore next day - Physio said keep persevering with it though as it will hurt when getting faster.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

7th August - Brick

1:03:00 on bike

15:00 run

Friday, 6 August 2010

6th August - Swim


2 x 50m
3 x 400m
2x 50m

Still slightly sore when swimming although not massive amounts of pain.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

4 August - Run

25:00 easy

As before it feels ok but sore when i try and speed up.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

3rd August - Bike

1:05:00 on racer
17.5 miles
average speed = 16.3mph
average cadence = 79

felt like i could give it a bit more effort but kept getting caught in traffic lights in Leicester city centre

Monday, 2 August 2010

2nd August - Swim

1400m in total
Back bit stiff but not painful

1 x100m
1 x 200m
1 x 300m
1 x 400m
1 x 200m
1 x 100m
1 x 100m

Sunday, 1 August 2010

1st August - Run

42:00 easy with a few strides

My hip/back did not like the injection of any pace.

Saturday, 31 July 2010

31st July - Bike

1:15:00 on racer
Distance = 20.4miles
Average Speed = 16.3mph

Lutterworth - Gilmorton - Bruntingthorpe - Countesthorpe - Ashby Magna - Dunton Bassett

Hip felt good although slightly sore towars the end

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

28th July - Bike

60:00 easy on hotel gym bike

hip/back feeling bit better now

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

27th July - Run

20:00 easy run

took it easy as hip still sore.

Monday, 26 July 2010

26th July - Bike

60:00 on bike in hotel gym (away with work)

Concentrated on keeping cadence above 80

No pain with hip although felt slightly sore when sat up pedalling.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

25th July - Brick

50:00 on racer
10:00 easy run

hip slightly sore after but may be from holiday.

Bike route was

Froslworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Peatling Parva - Gilmorton

Saturday, 24 July 2010

17th - 24th July - Holiday

went on 4 runs

1 x 20:00
2 x 30:00
1 x 2:00:00

hip felt ok, went too long on last one by mistake although hip did not react too badly and was surprised by fitness

also played beach football, volleyball and lots of pool games which tested the hip.

Slightly sore when i got back.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

14th July - Swim

Warm up
2 x 25m
1 x 50m
1 x 100m

Main Set
5 x 200m

Warm Down
4 x 25m

Total Distance = 1.3k
Longest swim for about 5 months
No pain in hip/back apart from warm down where felt stiff.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

13th July - Bike

60:00 on racing bike (turbo trainer)

first time on racer, felt ok although slightly sore towards the end, no immediate bad reaction when finished, will see how it goes tomorrow

Monday, 12 July 2010

12 July - Run

25:00 easy

Hip felt better although still slight pain

Sunday, 11 July 2010

11th July - Bike

65:00 easy on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Willoughby Waterleys - Peatling Parva - Gilmorton

Definitely starting to feel stronger

Thursday, 8 July 2010

8th July - Run & Physio

20:00 easy

top of left buttock still sore bit not enough to limp

Went Physio after, she is pleased with progress and suggested I stick to a Sprint triathlon training plan - agreed that should aim for Southwell last minute sprint. See her again in a month.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

7th July - Bike

53:00 on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Peatling Parva - Gilmorton

hip felt fine, back started to feel tight but eased of after stretching. Bit more effort though this time and stood while climbing hills.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

6th July - Run

20:00 easy

Still hurts at upper back end of hip (top of bum) - not enough to make me limp but annoying.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

3rd July - Bike

57:00 easy on mountain bike

Hip still sore from run yesterday so took it easy, still no pain whilst biking which is good.

Friday, 2 July 2010

2nd July - Run

20:00 very easy

Slight pain while running although not limping which is important.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

30th June - Swim

900m swim
25:00 mins

No pain whilst doing it, slightly stiff for a couple of hours after but then OK.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

29th June- Bike

48:00 on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Gilmorton

Felt ok, no hip pain depsite a slight twinge in some day to day movements after running yesterday

Monday, 28 June 2010

28th June - Run

15:00 very easy

Felt hip pain whilst doing it but no reaction after.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

26th June - Bike

50:00 easy on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Gilmorton

Hip felt fine - no reaction after

Thursday, 24 June 2010

24th June - Run

10 Mins very easy

Little bit of a reaction whilst doing it - not really after which is good

23rd June - Swim

17 mins very easy

Start to go a bit further -not so much of a reaction after which is good

22nd June - Bike

50 mins easy on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Gilmorton

No pain at all

21st - Run

10 mins very easy.

Hip slightly sore (physio said this was expected tough)
Not much of a reaction after which is good.

Monday, 21 June 2010

21st June - Physio

Physio happy with progress. Back now better and almost got full range of motion in hip

Need to:

1. Carry on with exercies
2. Extend bike rides
3. Keep swimming, when reaction calms down extend time
4. Start running (start with 10mins)

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

16th June - Bike

1:00:00 easy on gym bike

hip ok whilst doing it even though a bit sore still during the day after swimming on Monday

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

15th June - Bike

42:00 mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton- Gilmorton

Hip slightly sore at start after swim yesterday but stood up well considering

Monday, 14 June 2010

14th June - Swim

15:00 easy swim

Hiop ok whilst doing it but sore still after

Thursday, 10 June 2010

10th June - bike

45:00 mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Gilmorton

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

8th June - Swim

15:00 easy swim

hip did not hurt whilst doing it - will need to see how it reacts tomorrow, physio has said that it should be better than last time

Monday, 7 June 2010

7th June - Physio

Physio is happy with progress.

My hip is loosening up nicely and she was not concerned that it was sore after swimming. She said this was expected and is a muscle reaction.

I need to carry on with swimming (keep at 15mins) and she said it will still react but will get better each time. I can carry on extending my bike rides and i need to keep up with strengthening exercises.

Made an appointment for another two weeks where we will see how it goes and potentially talk about starting to try and run.

7th June

45:00 on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Gilmorton

Bit more effort than previously, all felt ok whilst doing it but slightly sore after.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

5th June - Bike

30:00 very easy bike in gym.

Friday, 4 June 2010

4th June - Swim

15:00 swim

very easy, hip and back felt ok and no pain which is good, concentrated on keeping a strong core

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

2nd June - Bike

50:00 bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Gilmorton

Hip was not painful although it felt tired at the end

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

1st June - Bike

30mins 30secs mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton route

went a bit faster, hip was fine

Monday, 31 May 2010

31st May - Bike

50 mins mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Gilmorton

Hip felt ok with extra distance/time

Saturday, 29 May 2010

29th May - Bike

32 min mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton Bassett Route

Friday, 28 May 2010

28 May - Bike

35min mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton Bassett route

Thursday, 27 May 2010

27th May - Bike

40 min mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton Bassett route

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

25th May - Bike

35:00 on mountain bike.

Felt OK. need to keep making sure i stretch properly after though as back can tighten while on bike

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

24th May - Physio

Third Physio visit.
Quick recap - Have been to consultant who has refereed me to another physio. Bottom two vertebrae locke together causing a stiff back and damaging ligaments etc. A stiff hip which has been caused by weak hip muscles, this is causing more pain in the hip.
Have been doing specific exercise for last two weeks.

Have been on three 35 min bike rides in last week, hip has felt OK on all of them.
Exercises had been going well, chasing the extreme pain was working although painful.
Played heads and volleys on Saturday, this aggravated my hip but not my back.

Physio was impressed with how my back has loosened up and was encourage how it did not hurt after the football. She explained that the big problem i have at the moment is the weak hip muscles which is causing the pain so i need to strengthen this (she gave me another exercise) as well as carrying on others. She did say that the hip had starten to loosen up.

I need to carry on with the biking and start to swim (15 Min's max) and concentrate on keeping core muscles strong in bike and swim. She was encouraged but said it would be at leats another three weeks before we can think about running. Made another appointment in two weeks

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

2nd March - Swim

4 x 75m

3 x 400m - each one harder than the last


1st March - Bike

1hr on turbo

1st March - Swim

w/up -
4 x 200m

1 x 1500m - 25:27

4 x 50m

27th Feb - Bike

1hr on turbo trainer

Thursday, 25 February 2010

25th Feb - Bike

30mins easy on turbo trainer

24 Feb - Swim

45min session with LTC

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

23rd Feb - Bike

45mins easy on turbo trainer
Hip felt ok although was a little sore after.
Feel really unfit though

Monday, 22 February 2010

22 Feb - Swim

w/up 4 x 200m easy
1000m free
4 x 50m w/down

Total distance = 2k
Hip was ok but felt unfit

Sunday, 21 February 2010

20th Feb - Bike

2 x Family guy episodes easy with stretching in between
Hip seemed Ok

18th Feb - Sports Injury Clinic

another treatment
Agreed to see her again in two weeks and if not running by then need to consider pulling out of Roth, Not good!
However Hip is starting to feel better
Do not swim with Pull Buoy though as puts too much presre on back

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

16th Feb - Swim

about 1.5k swim
(made up of different length intervals)

15th Feb - Bike

3 x 10:00 on turbo
(stretching in between sets)

11th Feb - Swim

1hr with LTC

9th Feb - Swim

4 x 50m
2 x 300m
2 x 50m

Total distance = 1k

8th Feb - Swim

4 x 50m
2 x 100m
1 x 200m
1 x 300m
1 x 400m
1 x 300m
1 x 200m
2 x 100m
4 x 50m

Total distance = 2.2k

7th Feb - Swim

4 x 50m
2 x100m
1 x200m
1 x 300m
1 x 200m
2 x 100m
4 x 50m

Total distance = 1.5k

5th Feb - Swim

4 x 50m
2 x 100m
2 x 200m
2 x 100m
4 x 50m

Total distance = 1.2k

4th Feb - Sports Injury Clinic

need to go swimming more often and cylcing just before come back in two weeks

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

1st Feb - Swim

Total Distance = 1000m

4 x 50m
2 x 100m
1 x 200m
2 x 100m
4 x 50m

Again hip felt fine whilst swimming

30th Jan - Swim

Total distance 800m

4 x 50m
4 x 100m
4 x 50m

Hip felt ok swimming but hurt when i tried to do some pool running

Saturday, 30 January 2010

28th Jan - Sports Injury Clinic

had treatment again, have to now swim every other day and see her next week.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

26th Jan - Swim

Very easy session to see how injury reacted

total distance = 600m

4 x 50m
1 x 100m

Leg felt ok, made sure i did lots of stretching after, will wait until morning to see how leg reacts

Sunday, 24 January 2010

21 Jan - Sports Injury Clinic

Have to carry on with stretching exercises, however i am allowed to go for a short swim on Tuesday which i am looking forward to. Need to go back next Thursday

Saturday, 16 January 2010

14th Jan - Sports Injury Clinic

apparently hip and pelvis irritating each other due to tight muscles around the area. have to stop everything for a week for it to calm down. She did give me some stretches to do in the meantime and have to go back next week

13th Jan - Yoga

1hr 30 of yoga
hip in agony at the end

Monday, 11 January 2010

11th Jan - Walk/Run

Repeat 3 times
4min walk - 3 min jog

Hip was OK while completing this but was quite sore after, need to make sure i stretch in morning as well as night

11th Jan - Rehab Period begins

Have removed a build period later on to include a 4 week rehab period where i will try and get back to pain free training via

  • Keep attending yoga classes
  • Start gentle walk/run sessions and slowly build up
  • Start Hip flexor flexibility exercises
  • Keep swimming regularly for aerobic maintenance
  • start gentle cycling when hip is pain free and build up slowly.

10th Jan - Yoga

1.5hr class at gym
Still very hard - need to keep at it though

9th Jan - Walk/Run


Repeat 4 times: -
4min walk - 2 min jog

Also did strengthening exercises

8th Jan - Stretches and Strengthening

Piriformis stretches and strengthening exercises

7th Jan - Stretches and Strengthening

Piriformis stretches and strengthening exercises

6th Jan - Yoga

1.5hrs Yoga class at gym,

Very hard work, suprised at how infelxible i am.

5th Jan - Stretching

Piriformis stretches

4th Jan - Weights

15min warm up on x trainer

2 x 20 reps (45secs rest)

Leg Press - 30kg
Lat pulldowns - 30kg
Knee Extension - 15kg
Hamstring curl - 20kg
Straight Arm pulldowns - 13.75kg
Calf Raise - 30kg
Seated Row - 30kg
Triceps extension - 18.75kg
Pec Fly - 30kg
Chest Press - 20kg
Shoulder Press - 20 kg
Hip abduction in - 50kg
Hip abduction out - 60kg
Ab Crunch - 2.5kg

20min swim

Monday, 4 January 2010

28th Dec -3rd Jan - Injured

According to literature its Pirformis syndrome, symptoms are generally worse when sitting than standing which explained why it was worse when sitting than standing on bike.

Treatment is stretching the piriformis and strengthening the hip external rotators

Is commonly caused by running (over training and lack of stretching afterwards) - probably guilty of both

Took this week of to try and ease the pain.

Start back training w/c 4 the January 2010 doing:
  • weights, albeit lower weights for leg
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • perform specific stretches every other day
  • Perhaps start easy biking towards the end of the week

27 Dec - Bike (Injury)

61 miles
average speed = 15.3 mph
average cadence = 68
time = 3:58:09

Hip started to ache after about 45 miles and then was in agony after 50 miles, would ease if i stood up but was in real pain

26th Dec - Run
