Wednesday, 30 June 2010

30th June - Swim

900m swim
25:00 mins

No pain whilst doing it, slightly stiff for a couple of hours after but then OK.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

29th June- Bike

48:00 on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Gilmorton

Felt ok, no hip pain depsite a slight twinge in some day to day movements after running yesterday

Monday, 28 June 2010

28th June - Run

15:00 very easy

Felt hip pain whilst doing it but no reaction after.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

26th June - Bike

50:00 easy on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Gilmorton

Hip felt fine - no reaction after

Thursday, 24 June 2010

24th June - Run

10 Mins very easy

Little bit of a reaction whilst doing it - not really after which is good

23rd June - Swim

17 mins very easy

Start to go a bit further -not so much of a reaction after which is good

22nd June - Bike

50 mins easy on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Ashby Magna - Gilmorton

No pain at all

21st - Run

10 mins very easy.

Hip slightly sore (physio said this was expected tough)
Not much of a reaction after which is good.

Monday, 21 June 2010

21st June - Physio

Physio happy with progress. Back now better and almost got full range of motion in hip

Need to:

1. Carry on with exercies
2. Extend bike rides
3. Keep swimming, when reaction calms down extend time
4. Start running (start with 10mins)

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

16th June - Bike

1:00:00 easy on gym bike

hip ok whilst doing it even though a bit sore still during the day after swimming on Monday

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

15th June - Bike

42:00 mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton- Gilmorton

Hip slightly sore at start after swim yesterday but stood up well considering

Monday, 14 June 2010

14th June - Swim

15:00 easy swim

Hiop ok whilst doing it but sore still after

Thursday, 10 June 2010

10th June - bike

45:00 mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Gilmorton

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

8th June - Swim

15:00 easy swim

hip did not hurt whilst doing it - will need to see how it reacts tomorrow, physio has said that it should be better than last time

Monday, 7 June 2010

7th June - Physio

Physio is happy with progress.

My hip is loosening up nicely and she was not concerned that it was sore after swimming. She said this was expected and is a muscle reaction.

I need to carry on with swimming (keep at 15mins) and she said it will still react but will get better each time. I can carry on extending my bike rides and i need to keep up with strengthening exercises.

Made an appointment for another two weeks where we will see how it goes and potentially talk about starting to try and run.

7th June

45:00 on mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Gilmorton

Bit more effort than previously, all felt ok whilst doing it but slightly sore after.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

5th June - Bike

30:00 very easy bike in gym.

Friday, 4 June 2010

4th June - Swim

15:00 swim

very easy, hip and back felt ok and no pain which is good, concentrated on keeping a strong core

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

2nd June - Bike

50:00 bike

Frolsworth - Dunton - Gilmorton

Hip was not painful although it felt tired at the end

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

1st June - Bike

30mins 30secs mountain bike

Frolsworth - Dunton route

went a bit faster, hip was fine